Monday, December 31, 2018

Read Doug Fallon's novel, 'PARALLELS,' for free on Amazon...

Okay, you're freaked out that we're about to usher in a New Year that'll be even worse than the last one. So, instead of hiding under your bed with a flak jacket on for the next year, why not read my e-novel PARALLELS, which you can download for FREE from Amazon, starting today, Dec. 31 to Jan. 4...

I guarantee you read this book, and you won't have a thing to worry about. Your heart will be filled with hope and happiness for the future of mankind, not to mention dear old Planet Earth.

So, what's it about? Well, for playwright Stanley H. Noonan, life was just one long losing streak of Broadway flops, a failed marriage to a Hollywood sex symbol (paging Arthur Miller!), and a voyage to the bottom of a very big whiskey bottle. But one bright sunny day, all that changed in the blink of an eye. A long forgotten play of Stanley's was about to be turned into a major motion picture, and he had just met the new love of his life. Ain't that a kick in the pants? The only catch was, the world was coming to an end at midnight. And, oh yeah, there were a couple of goofy cowboys from another planet who wanted to disintegrate his head with a ray gun. Can Stanley survive the giant Death Cloud (there's always a giant Death Cloud in stories like this), escape the crazed cowboys with their awfully big ray guns that shoot green gobs of fire, save the world (actually, a bunch of parallel worlds, if you must know), and still get the girl? Read this book for FREE and find out!

There! Now after reading just that little bit, don't you already feel better about the coming Happy New Year?

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