Thursday, September 28, 2017

"Parallels" by Doug Fallon – Now on

Hi, folks! Got another new novel on Amazon called "Parallels." It's about a playwright, Stanley H. Noonan, whose life was just one long losing streak of Broadway flops, a failed marriage to a Hollywood sex symbol (paging Arthur Miller!), and a voyage to the bottom of a very big whiskey bottle.

But one bright sunny day, all that changed in the blink of an eye. A long forgotten play of Stanley's was about to be turned into a major motion picture, and he had just met the new love of his life. Ain't that a kick in the pants? The only catch was, the world was coming to an end at midnight. And, oh yeah, there were a couple of goofy cowboys from another planet who wanted to disintegrate his head with a ray gun.

Can Stanley survive the giant Death Cloud (there's always a giant Death Cloud in stories like this), escape the crazed cowboys with their awfully big ray guns that shoot green gobs of fire, save the world (actually, a bunch of parallel worlds, if you must know), and still get the girl? Read this book and find out!

On Amazon:

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