Monday, October 23, 2017

Doug Fallon's books, "In the Blink of an Eye" and "DreamMaker" – Free this month on Amazon!

Hi, folks! To help celebrate the launch of THE BOOKS OF DOUG FALLON, as well as the new site for my publishing company, SILKROAD PUBLISHING LLC, I am giving away not one, but TWO, yes, TWO of my most horrorstruck e-novels, namely, IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE and DreamMaker, as FREE downloads on Amazon.

The giveaway begins Tuesday, Oct. 24, and ends Oct. 28. So, have a free read on me, take a peek at my new sites, and if you like what you see, or read, please share!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

"In the Blink of an Eye" by Doug Fallon – Now on

For all you dog lovers out there, I just put out a new book on Amazon called "In the Blink of an Eye."

What's the plot?

Well, one night, Jude Redford, a young upscale suburban housewife and mother of two, had a dream. As dreams go, it was not a nice one, filled instead with gruesome murders, shadowy hitmen, and fantastical monsters lurking hungry in the night.

But for all that, when morning came, it was still just a dream. Something to be tittered about over drinks with the girls at the country club. That is, until the dream began to invade Jude's simply perfect waking life, slowly, methodically killing and swallowing whole all that she knew and loved.

The Bloody Marys by the pool will never taste the same, again. Enjoy!

On Amazon:

"Parallels" by Doug Fallon – Now on

Hi, folks! Got another new novel on Amazon called "Parallels." It's about a playwright, Stanley H. Noonan, whose life was just one long losing streak of Broadway flops, a failed marriage to a Hollywood sex symbol (paging Arthur Miller!), and a voyage to the bottom of a very big whiskey bottle.

But one bright sunny day, all that changed in the blink of an eye. A long forgotten play of Stanley's was about to be turned into a major motion picture, and he had just met the new love of his life. Ain't that a kick in the pants? The only catch was, the world was coming to an end at midnight. And, oh yeah, there were a couple of goofy cowboys from another planet who wanted to disintegrate his head with a ray gun.

Can Stanley survive the giant Death Cloud (there's always a giant Death Cloud in stories like this), escape the crazed cowboys with their awfully big ray guns that shoot green gobs of fire, save the world (actually, a bunch of parallel worlds, if you must know), and still get the girl? Read this book and find out!

On Amazon:

"DreamMaker" by Doug Fallon – Now on

Hi, folks! Just put out a new sci-fi fantasy called "DreamMaker."

What's the plot?

Well, it's about a young down-and-out actor named Colin Ferguson who falls in love with a beautiful 3,000-year-old alien (the parallel universe kind), who basically wants to kill Colin. Plus the fifth generation clones of Donald Trump and Martin Scorsese, who basically either want to kill Colin, or make a movie out of him. And, oh, yeah, did I mention the very existence of Planet Earth (besides Colin) is at stake?

For a free preview, please go to:

Friday, September 22, 2017

"The Detective's Notebook" by Doug Fallon – Now on

Hi, folks! My latest eBook was just published on Amazon and its entitled THE DETECTIVE'S NOTEBOOK...

It's a novel about murders most foul, of the supernatural kind, that unfortunately transpire in a private boarding school in Northern Michigan. For a free preview, please go to:

Please share this posting with your friends.

Friday, September 1, 2017

"GANZIR" by Doug Fallon – Now on

Hi! Just wanted to let you folks know about my 5-volume graphic novel, GANZIR, through whose mythic gates you will enter a dimension of evil as ancient as the Universe, where not everything is as it seems!

GANZIR - Part 1: Bad Guy

A bank robbery gone wrong, Ray and Danny barely escape with the money and their lives. Now on the run, their odds of survival are low and their getaway car may be speeding them towards nothing more than a cold and lonely death in the night. But mysterious forces are at work, and the two are drawn to the shadowy town of Baileyville. A town held in a grip of terror by a ruthless racketeer named Nikolai, who answers to an unseen kingpin known only as The Old Man. Nikolai and his thugs rule over the people of Baileyville and The Old Man rules over them... but another force rules over all... GANZIR.

To defeat Nikolai and escape the Old Man’s deadly grasp, Ray and Danny embark on a dizzying adventure that will plunge them into the distant past and send them hurtling to the farthest stars of the future, where GANZIR awaits them.

Read it on

GANZIR - Part 2: Pandora's Box

As the GANZIR saga continues on the planet Pandora V, Marshal Daniel and Officer Robby descend into the cavernous depths of the alien ruin, the mammoth Cube, to investigate the bizarre death of archaeologist Dr. Raymonds.

However, they soon discover that other mysteries must be solved there as well, like, what is the purpose of the strange machine that an army of robots is so diligently building night and day under a giant circus tent? And, even more distressing, what does a midget lady from Omega 13 hide under her panties?

Unfortunately for Daniel and Robby, the answers they seek can only be found behind the closed gates of GANZIR, which sadly for them, are about to open!

Read it on
GANZIR - Part 3: The World of Tomorrow (Chapter 1)

Marooned 400 years in Earth's past, Marshal Daniel, now surviving as a private eye in 1939 New York, can only dream of getting back to his own time, while watching his sanity swirl away in a bottle of cheap booze. But all that changes with a phone call from a mysterious client, who offers Daniel a way back home.

The deal? Recover a ring of great power, and murder the woman who stole it.

Is Daniel willing to pay the price for this return ticket to the future? Enter the Gates of GANZIR to find out in Part 3, Chapter 1 of GANZIR: The World of Tomorrow!

Read it on

GANZIR - Part 3: The World of Tomorrow (Chapter 2)

What's wrong with this picture? It's 1939, New York City has been bombed into rubble, and Hitler's army has invaded America. That never happened, right?

Unfortunately, for gumshoe Marshal Daniel, this nightmarish flip side of history is all too real, as he flees for his life from the Dark Woman and her murderous Nazi thugs. Only one thing can now save Daniel from a goose-stepping firing squad and that's Daniel's newest client (at least, business is still good). Problem is this client happens to be a lump of rock several millions of years old, that is three miles in height, three miles in width, and has a very bad attitude towards humans... namely, GANZIR itself!

Did things just get better or worse for our hero? Find out in Part 3, Chapter 2 of GANZIR: The World of Tomorrow!

Read it now on

GANZIR - Part 4: Back in the Here and Now

Marshal Daniel is on the last train to Hell for the final showdown with the Dark Woman. So, grab a seat for the big ending, folks! Next stop: the Gates of GANZIR, where Death reigns supreme with just a wink and a smile.

Read it now on Amazon: 

Explicit Content Warning: Contains depictions of violence and sexual content. Intended For Adult Readers 18+